Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mother's Scalloped Potatoes

It was quite a surprise to me when I got to Westhampton College and found out that Mother’s way of making scalloped potatoes was not the only way to make them. Our cooks made them with cheese and onion and sometimes with crumbs on top,and lots of students pronounced scalloped with a short /a/ as in /cat/. Mother pronounced scallop with a /ah/ sound whether speaking of the potato dish, the sea creature or the rounded decoration on clothing. Of course I do, too, and I am convinced that even if her way is not the only of making scalloped potatoes, it is surely the best way.

It was quite common for Mother to serve scalloped potatoes and string beans with meatloaf, and it was one of the first meals I learned to cook. I felt confident that I could successfully manage that meal, so I served it the first time Del’s folks came for dinner. Unfortunately, I forgot that both potatoes and tomatoes aggravated Mrs. Williams’ nasal allergies, so I’m sure she had to pull out the nasal spray that evening. Since it was a discomfort kind of allergy rather than a potentially lethal one, she was kind enough to say nothing, so I didn’t realize what I had done until Del reminded me after they went home. I was mortified, to say the least.


4 cups thinly sliced potatoes
1 T flour
Black Pepper - I like lots
1 ½ cups milk (1% is fine)
2 T butter

Mix potatoes with flour, salt and pepper and place into sprayed 8 inch dish. Add milk. It should reach top of potatoes but not cover them. Dot with butter. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 1 hour, but start checking them after 45 minutes. Potatoes are done when easily pierced with paring knife and the milk has combined with flour and the starch from the potatoes to produce a thick sauce. Additional milk can be added during cooking if the potatoes appear dry.

Serves 4-6.

Note: I usually make scalloped potatoes when I am going to have the oven on for a long time to cook the main dish of the meal, but sometimes I speed things up by starting the dish in the microwave for 10 minutes. Then I have to play the rest of the time by ear.

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